Rapidly train remote employees at scale

Live stream, first person video to employees at all your facilities simultaneously with ClassroomXR™.

  • Demonstrate how to perform quality preventive maintenance
  • Perform part inspections live and distribute recorded videos to all employees
  • Take remote employees under the hood or under the equipment and give perspective live in person training can’t provide
Improve service bulletin and warranty repair first time fix rates

Create and rapidly share how-to guides to improve first time fix rates and compliance to warranty repair procedures or service bulletins and  recalls.

  • Create new procedures using the easy to use web platform
  • Distribute how-guides for download on mobile devices or headsets
  • Include video instruction, picture examples and animated 3D models to demonstrate proper methods


Instructor-led and self-guided training enhanced with augmented reality

ClassroomXR™ Live Training

Deliver live, remote training to all facilities at once and make recordings available on demand.

Easy to use authoring platform

Create how-to guides and service bulletins and share with technicians instantly in the mobile app.

Mobile application to create and share

Rapidly update how to guides and training content by gathering the latest information from the field.

Remote Video Collaboration

Support remote technicians with real time, video based troubleshooting to get power units back on the road.


Hear from Industry Experts

"XRMENTOR® Virtual Equipment Training enables training to include actual and virtual parts, systems and vehicles in one solution. Additionally, with XRMENTOR®, training content can be supplied quickly and easily to technicians on mobile devices in addition to HoloLens headsets."
Commercial Carrier Journal
“Augmented and virtual reality are prime tools to engage and teach tech-savvy younger generations, that ultimately have to find their way into our workplace. Currently XRMENTOR® is working with the ATA’s Technology & Maintenance Council to develop an AR game."
Heavy Duty Trucking
"The emphasis really is on training tools where people can collaborate, share between and within organizations to prevent `{`coronavirus`}` exposure, but still do it in an effective manner, XRMENTOR® provides its users with that capability."
Transport Topics