Improve First Time Fix Rates
Providing repair services for fleet customers requires a responsive, flexible and experienced workforce. Maintenance technicians must be prepared to service multiple makes and models, different transmission types and sometimes specialty vehicles. XRMentor® delivers how to guides to technicians increasing consistency of preventive maintenance procedures, reducing call backs.
Instructor-led and self-guided training enhanced with augmented reality
Support New Hires 1:1 in Real Time and Return to Service Faster
Remote video collaboration allows experts to instruct new employees one on one in real time or provide troubleshooting assistance return equipment to service faster.
- Real time, live instruction from an expert to remote employees
- Remote employees demonstrate ability and explain solutions to remote instructors or experts
- Connect between mobile devices or from mobile devices to laptops
Return Customers to Service with Improved Preventive Maintenance
Self-Guided procedures are available on any device, anytime to ensure compliance to best practices. Provide “How-To” Guides for completing effective preventive maintenance inspections
- Deploy self-guided procedures for different makes and models
- Share videos to all employees at click of a button
- Use pictures and 3d models to show examples to improve service or part replacement decision making