Release Information
Release Date: 07/16/21
Release Time: 1730 EST (5:30 PM EST)
Expected Downtime: 1 – 2 hours
HoloLens Build Link (Available at 6:00 PM EST): Dropbox

Product Manager’s Notes
Hello everyone,
Our team is excited to announce some highly requested ClassroomXR™  changes along with other quality of life improvements!
Since we have launched ClassroomXR™, we’ve receive a lot of extremely helpful feedback from current and prospective clients. 
One of the key things we kept hearing: keep making the ClassroomXR™ experience easier!
This release focuses on just that, specifically making it so instructors and users can freely join and leave classrooms without disrupting the session. Some change examples:When instructors leave a classroom session it will no longer end the classroom for everyoneInstructors and students can join classrooms early (or late) without issueUsers will now be alerted by the system if XRMentor™ detects weak or poor network conditionsOur intent with these changes is to give users a more consistent and stable experience regardless of platform.

Please visit the Knowledge Base article linked at the top of this e-mail for more details about what else has changed in this release!As always, please feel free to reach out to me or the team if you have any questions about upcoming changes or product suggestions!

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