Overcome industry challenges with XRMentor®
Productivity improvements

How to guides and information on demand keeps employees productive.

Complex value chain

Collaborate with partners and stakeholders with remote training and sharing of training modules.

Improve compliance

Ensure compliance to standard procedures and service bulletins to increase first time fix rates.

Talent transformation

Attract new employees and provide a development path supported by innovative technology.

Enhance innovation

Train the workforce to service the most recent innovations in electric vehicles and automation.

Multiple Vertical Support Delivers Greater Value
Instructor-led training with ClassroomXR™ reduces cost

Livestream hands on training from an expert to remote employees at all facilities or even your customers to reduce travel and the cost of training.

  • Real time, live instruction on new equipment from an expert to remote employees
  • Experts demonstrate how to service legacy equipment or execute preventive maintenance
  • Share how to execute a service bulletin to warranty repair to ensure compliance to best practices
Return vehicles to service faster with Remote Video Collaboration

Remote video collaboration returns vehicles to service faster with real time instruction and troubleshooting between experts and technicians or fleets and their dealers and OEMs.

  • Real time video collaboration between industry stakeholders
  • Connect on any mobile device or on laptop computers
  • Provide 1:1 instruction to new hires or confirm ability to execute a repair

Top 100 Fleet introduces AR training

COVID-19 has limited or outright prevented maintenance training instructors from traveling to facilities to provide live hands on training to technicians. In addition to technicians being prevented from traveling to regional training events or central training facilities to receive training. See how this Top 100 Fleet implemented augmented reality training to train.